Braidwood Central School

Achievement for all

Telephone02 4842 2249


The NSW Department of Education is committed to having schools free from all types of bullying. 

Braidwood Central School's Commitment 

Our school rejects all forms of bullying behaviours, including online (or cyber) bullying by maintaining a commitment to providing a safe, inclusive and respectful learning community that promotes student wellbeing. Executive staff are committed to establishing evidence-based approaches and strategies that promote a positive climate where bullying is less likely to occur.

Anti-bullying plan 2023

Behaviour Code for Students 

NSW public schools are committed to providing safe, supportive and responsive learning environments for everyone. We teach and model the behaviours we value in our students. 

The Behaviour Code for Students outlines expectations of students to ensure high standards for respectful, safe and engaged behaviour. 

Information for parents/carers and students on the expected behaviour of students in NSW public schools is available in a range of other languages at the Department's website

NSW Anti-Bullying Websites

​The NSW Anti-Bullying Website contains a range of resources for schools, parents and students to identify, prevent and respond to bullying. supports school communities with evidence-informed resources and activities for a proactive approach to bullying education and prevention.

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