02 Nov 2020

There is a lot of building works happening around the school and we thought we would take the chance to give our community a quick update. Phase 1 of the new building works is nearing completion with A Block, F Block the new building 4 and T Block all due for completion in December. At the moment the focus is on the internal fit out of these buildings. Some external works have been delayed due to the recent inclement weather but the building team are focused on delivering everything in Phase 1 before the end of the school year. In preparation for the handover we are busily preparing ourselves as there will be some reshuffling and moving for parts of the school as we fit into the new buildings and we handover some demountable buildings in preparation for Phase 2 of the build. We will provide a further update on moving as we get closer to the day but as an early notification we expect that the front office will be closed to visitors for a period of time during the move. We will provide further updates once the exact days and times are confirmed.
Our new horticultural learning space is progressing nicely with the shed build now well underway, again despite the weather. We are already ordering the materials to fit out the space, including things like toilets, water supply, irrigation, water tanks, electrical needs etc.
The end of the year will be a busy time with both of these projects looking to finish around the same time, if the weather holds out. Although one advantage of all this wonderful rain is that our sporting fields (the Oval and the Police Paddock) are now covered in a fantastic layer of beautiful green grass!