Braidwood Central School

Achievement for all

Telephone02 4842 2249

Before and After School Care

As part of the NSW Government’s $120 million Before and After School Care (BASC) commitment, the Department of Education has selected a successful provider, Big Childcare Pty Ltd, for the provision of before and after school care services onsite at our school. Big Childcare will run services at both Braidwood Central Public School and Captains Flat Public School, as part of a new delivery approach to provide out of school hours care to regional and remote schools where there is demand.

This is exciting news for our school community! We expect that the service will be established onsite at our school, and be ready to operate as early as possible in Term 3, 2021. The Department will advise of exact commencement dates as soon as the operator service approval is finalised.

Interested parents are expected to be able to enrol for places with Big Childcare for Term 3, 2021. You can find more information about Big Childcare on their website:

The Department’s BASC parent webpage will also be updated with information for parents, via the following web link: